Question by ~*Girly Girl*~: Rehab for Wellbutrin???
My family is trying to send me to a one year long rehab program because I am clinically depressed. I am currently on Wellbutrin and have had great results other than a little lost sleep. They are acting like this is a condition I am making up, and are claiming it to be a chemical dependency. Can anyone see a bright side to this? Because I’m struggling!
There are no details I am keeping out. I would not come to yahoo answers and make something up. What good would that do me? I would really just like to know if anyone can justilfy what they are saying/trying to do.
Best answer:
Answer by dtwladyhawk
See your psychiatrist immediately. You may need something added to the Wellbutrin for sleep. This is not a situation that needs a 1 yr. rehab for unless you are not being honest.
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Question by jennilaine777: “Stop making that noise or you’re going to drive me to drink!”?
I heard a woman say this to her toddler inside Target. I spun around and gave a cold stare to the woman. She didn’t take away the toy that was making the noise, but kept yelling at the toddler to stop making the noise about 5 times. I was offended by the woman’s actions and words. Am I wrong for feeling this? Do you think the woman was saying and doing this for my attention? (I was the only one around in earshot.) Was she trying to get sympathy from me, or to strike up a conversation so she could vent to me? What do you think?
DDaring… no, you’re wrong… I wanted to ask a question in Yahoo answers. This is the first thing that poped into my head. Assumptions can lead to people making asses out of themselves. Holier than thou never works, dear sir. The question is… what do you think about HER actions, not mine.
Best answer:
Answer by Indiana Frenchman
I think she is highly stressed and does not know how to be a good mother …looking for an excuse to have another drink .. hopefully her family will intervene
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Question by Shana: Why ban guns NOW? why arent laws already set?
Why now more than ever this big deal with banning guns? In colobine yes the two kids got them illegally in virginia tech he bought them on ebay (dumb) and this time the mom legally bought them you would think that they would have already put laws in place right?
First off I’m not 11 jackass and most of you are angry at someone just asking a simple question and you answer with judgement No wonder people are the way they are. All I’m saying is that you would think by now they would already have laws set in place. I thought this was a place for
This isn’t a place for discussion…. then whats the point of asking and answering questions? Aren’t we discussing the questions? Thanks for ruining my experience on yahoo answers can’t even ask a question without being critized or judged
Best answer:
Answer by xpatinasia
No one is trying to ban guns. It is appalling the number of conservatives, just like you, who view violence against children to be acceptable, humorous, and believe that nothing should be done.
What do you think? Answer below!
Question by Shana: Why ban guns NOW? why arent laws already set?
Why now more than ever this big deal with banning guns? In colobine yes the two kids got them illegally in virginia tech he bought them on ebay (dumb) and this time the mom legally bought them you would think that they would have already put laws in place right?
First off I’m not 11 jackass and most of you are angry at someone just asking a simple question and you answer with judgement No wonder people are the way they are. All I’m saying is that you would think by now they would already have laws set in place. I thought this was a place for
This isn’t a place for discussion…. then whats the point of asking and answering questions? Aren’t we discussing the questions? Thanks for ruining my experience on yahoo answers can’t even ask a question without being critized or judged
Best answer:
Answer by xpatinasia
No one is trying to ban guns. It is appalling the number of conservatives, just like you, who view violence against children to be acceptable, humorous, and believe that nothing should be done.
What do you think? Answer below!