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Posts Tagged ‘drug abuse’

Is substance abuse coverage as equal as required?
Insurance plans that cover substance abuse treatment must provide the same level of care and cost sharing as they do for other medical issues, but treatment centers say disagreement over what this means leaves many alcoholics and drug addicts without …
Read more on USA TODAY

Question by brittany m: I have a few questions for a paper on Drug Abuse. Please help.?
How do people behave when they are addicted to drugs?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What are the treatments for Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

How do you prevent Drug Abuse?
(please put the source – where you got the information)

What is the origin of Drug Abuse? Who started it? Where did it come from?
I think it was the Sumerians but I’m not sure.
(please put the source – where you got the information)

Best answer:

Answer by Witty Wabbit
“What are the Harmful Consequences of Drug Use?” : covers the BEHAVIOUR.

The next page “What is Canada’s Drug Strategy?” discusses about the PREVENTION too.

Treatment, eh?! might help.

I think this article: “The evolutionary origins and significance of drug addiction” might help ya too…

Most importantly,”Drugs distribution and use in ancient environments” will give you a clear picture about the ancient substance abuse.

But I betcha, to trace the origin is an impossible stuff … 🙁

Ahhhh that National Center for Biotechnology Information article has everything ya want! 🙂 Happy “papering” 😀

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Question by sunkissed299: Can a former drug addict do anything to reproduce brain cells?
I work in a homeless shelter and someone just asked. I would say no. Thats why they tell you not to do

Best answer:

Answer by Lara Love
The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) is a United States federal government research institute. Their mission is to lead the Nation in bringing the power of science to bear on drug abuse and addiction.

According to notes released by NIDA Director Dr. Alan I. Leshner in the September 2000 issue of Director’s Column:

“Remarkable research and technological advances in the past two decades have proved that brain disruption and damage play central roles in the consequences of drug abuse and addiction. Knowing the nature of a problem, of course, opens the way for systematic attempts to fix it. Thus, today, finding ways to restore normal brain function after it has been changed by drugs is a main goal of NIDA research.


Ultimately, researchers envision a two-stage process for helping restore drug abusers’ impaired abilities. Interventions will be used first to stop ongoing brain damage and repair damaged brain cells, and then to retrain the brain. The rationale for this approach is that repairing the brain first will restore lost mental resources and capacities that patients then can apply in further treatment.”

More information available here:

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International Narconon Drug Rehab Network Celebrates 48 Years of Saving Lives
… Drug Rehab Network Celebrates 48 Years of Saving Lives. Helping tens of thousands recover sobriety and educating millions of young people on the dangers of drug abuse is cause for pride for the thousands of Narconon network staff. … It was on …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Authorities: Chris Brown arrested on warrant
The warrant was issued by the judge overseeing Brown's case after he was informed Friday morning that the singer had been discharged from rehab "for failure to comply with rules and regulations of the program." No further details were released, but …
Read more on KFMB News 8

Research eyes pot as pain reliever
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has a few grant-funded studies on active ingredients in marijuana used as withdrawal medicine for opiates and a treatment medicine for methamphetamine and tobacco addiction, according to the institute's website …
Read more on Capecodonline

Program to prevent drug abuse expands
Three drug-prevention Reality Tours are being added to the three tours in Westmoreland County in an effort to educate and forewarn parents and youths, said the director of the Butler County-based program. Program founder Norma Norris, executive …
Read more on Tribune-Review

Mississippi will begin drug testing TANF recipients
Testing positive once would require a TANF recipient to undergo treatment for substance abuse; testing positive a second time would get a recipient booted from the program for 90 days. A third positive test would exclude a recipient for up to a year.
Read more on Washington Post (blog)

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