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Q&A: How Do I Motivate Myself When Nothing Actually Motivates Me?

Question by Nicole: How do I motivate myself when nothing actually motivates me?
Nothing feels worthwhile or even real to me. My bad habits, laziness, and complete lack of interest in life are very soon going to kill me, make me lose all my friends, or get me kicked out of my family’s house. It worries me that I know this and I don’t seem to care, because I remember a time when I was passionate about life, had both internal and external motivators, and could have fun without drugs (either prescription or recreational). I realize the obvious answer to this question is, “You’re depressed, go get some professional help.” I’ve already tried that. I’ve been in therapy for the past eight years, been on what seems to be every possible combination of psychiatric drugs, and have been hospitalized three times. I’ve only gotten worse over the years. In fact, I didn’t have these problems until I was forced into intensive psychiatric and therapeutic treatment in high school because I found life more interesting than most of my homework. I want to be like I was before that happened, curious and passionate and idealistic, but nothing seems to hold my interest for more than a brief period of time. Everything seems completely pointless, and I feel so hopeless that it’s like a dead weight or something hollow inside of me, keeping me on the couch and in my own misery. I absolutely refuse to get better. It’s like I want to waste away. Nothing seems to be able to change this attitude. Any time something seems to be changing, I consciously sabotage myself. Why do I do this? How can I stop? How can I become motivated to change my life when I consider my life worthless and the world doomed?

Best answer:

Answer by Chip
Many people have testified that when they died in their hospital bed and came back to life later that they met Jesus, and He told them it is not time for them to be taken, and He sent them back into their body and they were miraculously healed… all to the doctors and nurses amazement. Others who died saw their bodies from above as they left and headed down a dark tunnel where they could see flames and the smell of sulfur ahead. They called out to the Lord Jesus to save them, and He did and sent them back into their bodies to tell others… the doctors and nurses could not believe they came back to life. I have several friends who prayed for such a man who died in a hospital bed, and he came back to life after 3 hours. I also know that man and that this was verified by the hospital as being all true.

God did not create you for no reason. Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to be your Lord and Savior, as He died on the cross for your sins. Start reading the New Testament of the bible. Go to the church God puts on your heart to. Live for Christ, and you will find peace and happiness

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