Heroin's Small-Town Toll, and a Mother's Grief
Phil Drewiske, 23, who embraced recovery in prison after five overdoses and a dozen failed treatment programs, said he bore some responsibility for introducing heroin to the town. The son of local … During that period, Ms. Hale was shuttling to …
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Heroin deaths, police seizures and addictions on the rise in Genesee County
And heroin-related admissions at publicly funded treatment centers in the county are at "epidemic" levels. In Genesee County and the state of Michigan, experts say, heroin is second only to alcohol in the number of addicts who report it as their drug …
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Skyrocketing heroin use in Central Oregon
“It's just a matter of time before somebody offers you the heroin or you know where you can get it,” said Barrett Hamilton, a recovery mentor at Best Care Treatment Centers in Redmond. “And even though you may have already said, 'I'll never do heroin …
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Tags: drug rehab, new york, new york times, treatment center, treatment programs