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Archive for the ‘Drug Rehab Treatment’ Category

Florida war veterans returning from Afghanistan struggle to get treatment for
Now Brahmer, 34, struggled with invisible wounds, but was unable to get a bed at the Miami VA's rehab. That he had served in the military since he was 18-years-old and had earned numerous medals did not get him any special treatment. His wife said she …
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Viewpoint: The state of Florida should not take the road to legalize marijuana
There won't be enough drug or alcohol rehabilitation centers to house all of these people in Pensacola. There aren't enough rooms for rehab centers now. If you ever get the chance, go to Teen Challenge, the Waterfront Center, Lakeview which is Road to …
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Heroin Epidemic Challenges Nonprofits and Health Insurance Alike
… who became hooked on heroin in their twenties. Their mother sent them to separate drug rehab facilities in Florida, followed by halfway houses, but the two returned to their home in the St. Louis, Missouri area and returned to heroin. … The …
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Question by Skull Boy: Does anyone know of any free drug/alcohol rehabs in So Cal?
I have a nephew that has a really bad alcohol and speed addiction. He’s been in the emergency room several times over the past two years and almost died the last time. He needs to go a rehab center, but the family can’t afford it. Does anyone know of any free rehab centers in So Cal? He lives in Victorville CA, but will travel if needed. It needs to be a place where he can stay. Out patient won’t work for him I’m afraid.

Best answer:

Answer by shawniewap
Wow, this is a bad situation. I went to inpatient treatment for alcohol a couple of years ago myself…and I am a completely different person now, thanks to treatment/the desire to heal/God’s grace. I wish I had some answers for you as far as facilities go, but I reside and was treated here in Virginia. if there is a Community Services Board in your area, that needs to be his first stop. They assess the person to establish “need for treatment” to form a diagnosis axis, and are the ones who make referrals to treatment facilities. They are publically funded, and should be able to cover his costs if he is categorized by the intake counselor as “indigent”. Get out the phonebook, make some calls…he can’t do it for himself right now…GOOD you, and him..

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Medical marijuana could be good for business in Florida
Medical Marijuana of Brevard LLC, Medical Marijuana Business Lawyers LLC and Medical Marijuana Centers of Florida Inc., are among the first positioning to take advantage of a boom, should Florida voters approve the referendum by a 60 percent margin …
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AP News in Brief at 8:58 pm EDT
South Florida civil rights and fair housing leader Janet Launcelott dies · Bubba Watson wins another …. Reliance on the military is a response that hints at concerns over the reliability of the police, who have often proven unable or unwilling to …

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
Today, the problem with the battle against heroin addiction is beds – treatment beds in in-patient rehabilitation facilities. Which means that the problem is also about money. South Jersey, indeed the nation, has nowhere near the number of treatment …
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Kentuckiana faces rising problem of drug abuse and addiction
Melissa Trauth didn't know why her iPad and iPod were missing, or where her jewelry had gone, or why all the spoons and cotton balls had disappeared. But one day she got a call, and suddenly it all made sense — her oldest son had been stealing from …
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Bain Capital sees opportunity in methadone clinics
Bain paid $ 58 million to acquire the for-profit centers through CRC Health Corp., a California company it has owned since 2006. CRC Health is the biggest provider of substance abuse treatment and behavioral health services in the country. This foray …
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Substance Abuse Tx Problematic Despite ACA
Similarly, the vast majority of the substance abuse treatment in Colorado is located in centers with more than 16 beds, said Arthur Schut, chief executive officer of Denver-based Arapahoe House. There are ongoing conversations among treatment providers …
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