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Archive for the ‘Drug Rehab Treatment’ Category

Question by Jason N: Help! “XXX” Addiction!?
Please help me i’m 12 years old and i’m too yong for this I dont want any links just facts please tell me what to do it’s so hard for me to stop!! I cant take this please someone help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Susan S
You have a serious problem. You need to tell your parents or your pastor.

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A New Helpline in Cutler Offers Hope to Drug Addicts
The new helpline is improving all of that however, as addicts are encouraged to use the service in order to find an addiction treatment center that can help. Putting yourself in the best position to succeed is paramount in order to achieve your goals …
Read more on Ticker Report

Question by george l: Meth Rehab in Los Angeles for female?
I am a 28yrs old female and have been doing meth for about 12yrs. I have never been to rehab but I want and need to go. I live in the los angeles area. I want to do a 30 to 60 day program but I am unemployed. Does anyone have any suggestions of a decent treatment center that will take me without a job? I would like to go ASAP … Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Sam
First let me say I live in North Carolina but was facing the same scenario about a year and a half ago and let me tell you it is not as easy as it should be. You can try going to your local mental health department, they might be able to help you get into a public detox or treatment center. Don’t let this discourage you but it is a pretty involved process you will be interviewed and they will see if you are a candidate for it, and there will be a little bit of a waite until there is a bed. You can also try what I did…grab a phone book, look up “substance abuse” and sit there all spun out going through the list calling places until you find something. Good luck and don’t give up.

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Gay former Co-op Bank chairman Paul Flowers: My drug addiction treatment has
Former Co-op Bank chairman Paul Flowers has spoken in detail for the first time about his treatment for drug addiction. Mr Flowers was the £132,000-a-year chairman of the Co-op Bank from 2010 until May last year when he stepped down as the bank's …

Physician: Drug abuse common in ER setting
Because the strength of any given ingestion of heroin can't be determined, it is difficult to treat, he said. Most heroin overdoses are suicide gestures, Wilkerson said. Many who abuse drugs do so with medications that are legal when prescribed by a …
Read more on The Morning Sun

Active Internet Marketing Brings a Unique Presence to National Addiction
Active Internet Marketing, a leader in addiction treatment marketing, will be exhibiting a booth at the Innovations in Recovery conference, which will be held in San Diego, CA, March 31 – April 3, 2014 at the Hotel Del Coronado. Share on Twitter Share …
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Drug and alcohol abuse is a disease
Many look to drugs and booze to fill up a hole. It is frustrating to love someone with this disease. But because you do love them, you go that extra mile to help them. A doctor once told me, “Addiction is a disease, like cancer or diabetes. It needs to …
Read more on Clarksville Leaf Chronicle

Question by Truth: Do I need help or can I handle this on my own?
I know this is a problem, I’m not in denial but really, does anyone think it’s worth getting help for?
When I was 15 I cut myself for the first time. I’ve always felt down about myself and admittingly don’t have a lot of confidence but I’m not sure why I did it that first time. I didn’t do it again till a year later when I started to feel extremely stressed and overwhelmed with school, and also felt really alone. I had friends but we were never close. Well I continued to do it for about 4 months, taking careful care to keep it hidden, and no one ever noticed, but I just stopped at one point… now I’m 21 have started doing it again. I’m dealing with a very stressful break up and have let my feelings effect my grades in school and relationship with friends by becoming really withdrawn. The thing is, I’ve always been able to stop so I feel like since I recognize it’s wrong and know what’s causing it, I’ll stop when I’m ready, but then why am I still doing it? I feel guilty after.
I should also add that I’m still in contact with the guy I broke up with even though he cheated, lied and treated me like crap while we were together and has made my life hell since, but I feel like if I don’t keep talking to him, he’ll make things even worse.

Best answer:

Answer by mspiggypinon427
read the bible.
pray everyday. pray for the ones who hurt you.
go to a church where people will take care of you and encourage you.

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