Question by kober_gurl: is there already a research conducted about “freindster addiction?”?
Best answer:
I can’t seem to find it but, On Thursday December 1st, The New York Times had a lead story in the ThursdayStyles section on internet addiction. The article comes from Redmond, Wash. (home, of course, of Microsoft) and focuses on a therapist who runs “Internet/Computer Addiction Services”.
The therapist specializes in internet addiction disorder, treating people she refers to as “onlineaholics”. And she estimated that approximately 6-10% of the approximately 190,000,000 internet users in this country suffer from this affliction. I must admit that I drink my morning coffee while sitting in front of a computer reading the email that has arrived overnight. But I see the computer just a substitute for the newspaper that I used to read with my coffee twenty years ago.
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A gaping hole in addiction treatment
More than 23 million Americans needed treatment for an alcohol or drug problem in 2012, but only about 11 percent received it, according to estimates from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). In Calhoun County …
Read more on Battle Creek Enquirer
Neighbors fight .16 millon personal care home
One of Dunwoody's original neighborhoods, Manget Way, has been undergoing a re-birth through beautiful new homes. This one has been sold to a California company for a treatment center for adolescents with eating disorders. The neighbors are planning …
Read more on Dunwoody Crier
Question by Space Chicken: Is giving “the cold shoulder” or “the silent treatment” emotional abuse?
In an otherwise loving relationship, just shutting someone out for hours because of something they said… Is this an immature coping response? Or is it a healthy response? I like to talk things out then and there, but I understand people need time to cool down, as not everyone is as calm as myself. Is there a difference between calming down and the silent treatment. Is it an improper way to treat someone you respect?
Best answer:
Answer by nml
If it goes on for more that two days, then it’s time to leave. People need time to cool down, but the problem will need to be solved eventually.
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Question by DIGIMAN: ricky williams test positive for marijuana?
what is wrong with that guy why does he keep doing that
i want wanna know y he is he trying to get back at the dolphins for forcing him to come back
Best answer:
Answer by Brown
Falling off the wagon is part of rehab,” a source said. “Based on the medical evidence in Ricky’s case, the doctors say it’s too early to come back. He had the positive test last month. Remember, he’s been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder — that’s a real disease and a good percentage of those folks self-medicate with substances like marijuana, often at the moment they are about to have a high level of social interaction.”
I’d love to give him that benifit of the doubt….but he KNOWS he’s going to be tested very regularly and still messed up….
That guy has issues (understatement of my day)
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Leading Addiction Specialist to Meet with Addiction Treatment Professionals in …
Clinical Programme Director Alastair Mordey of The Cabin Chiang Mai, Asia's leading inpatient rehab centre, will be visiting Beijing and Shanghai from the 16-24th April to offer insights into the latest addiction treatment methods practised. Share on …
Read more on PR Web (press release)
Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
NEW YORK (AP) — As the ranks of heroin users rise, increasing numbers of addicts are looking for help but are failing to find it — because there are no beds in packed facilities, treatment is hugely expensive and insurance companies won't pay for …
Read more on Tallmadge Express
Question by Kung Fu Yamster: Are you going to check into “Rehab” with me and Rihanna tomorrow?
We both are going through a lot, and need some help. Would you like to join us, and be there for us in our desperate time of need?
Best answer:
Answer by PeterSayWhaa?
Sure, sign me in under Chris Brown.
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