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Does Anybody Know if Part of Having Social Anxiety Is Suffering From Low Self Confidenced?

Question by wm: does anybody know if part of having social anxiety is suffering from low self confidenced?
I have been searching for this answer and am unable to find it. I just know that I seem to have low confidence more than I want. Also I seem to change my mind alot for instance one day I might want to apply for a job and the next few days I second guess that choice and this has been going on for ever, like well over 15 years. I am now wondering if this also is caused from social anxiety, I really need to have some answers.

Best answer:

Answer by littlelady2340
The two go together, plus the indecision-
lf you felt good about yourself you would not have social anxiety, you have it because you feel ashamed of yourself, you don’t find much about yourself to like and if you don’t like yourself why would anybody else?
The indecision probably comes from a lack of confidence that you would be good at anything, that they won’t like you, etc.
A good therapist to help you develop activities that will make you proud of yourself would help a lot.
Good luck. I’m pretty sure l would like you.

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