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Asheville Events Focusing on Health

Asheville events focusing on health
Suzanne Hall, orthopaedic surgeon at Appalachian Orthopaedics, will discuss common causes of shoulder pain, signs of trouble, the latest treatment options and how to keep your shoulders healthy. Free. To register, call 692-4600. “ARE YOU READY TO RACE …
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Former drug addict, prostitute finds rebirth of her own
Robertson assured her that treatment didn't work — she'd been to six or seven of them already, 30 days at a time, only to smoke crack sometimes within a couple of days after leaving. "She got in her car and pulled off, and I was like, 'Whew! That's over!
Read more on The Tennessean

Woman killed, three hurt in Nalanda land dispute
Giriak SHO said one Mithilesh Prasad, a native of village Chersua under the police station, had some land dispute with his elder brother Akhilesh Prasad and on Monday morning there was some verbal dual between the two brothers over the same issue and …
Read more on Times of India

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