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Uncle Stimulus Gave the Res 2.5 Mil for a New Rehab Center, Cool Huh?

Question by Liberal Fascist: Uncle stimulus gave the res 2.5 mil for a new rehab center, cool huh?
But the tribal council decided “no alcohol or gambling” at the new center before 8am except of holidays, weekends and weekdays ending in “y”. I guess they also got some money for rinky dink voting machines.
The chato’s that are building the joint aren’t citizens and the voting machines are being shipped from S. Korea.
Good job jc…you must need the work.

Best answer:

Answer by [email protected]
That sounds great to me because, with-in that 2.5 mil, that money will put at least 100 construction workers/ the concrete for the footing/bulldozers for the dirt work/ steel for the footings/steel & wood for the frames is should take about a year to complete that means 100 people had a job. Get the picture
3 more jobs for the voting machines for one year, some of you people need to wake up.

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